Philadelphia, PA-NJ (1888PressRelease) June 28, 2017 - Saint Jean Prunier Donations for Haiti will be hosting a fundraiser on Saturday, July 8, 2017 from 6:00 pm - 1:00 am in Philadelphia, PA.
The event will be hosted by Esther St Jean-Bellevue and will include appearances by comedian, Rudolph Valentino, singer group, Virtuous Queens, and DJ Smoy. Tickets cost $25 and all proceeds benefit Saint Jean Prunier (SJP) Donations For Haiti.
SJP Donations for Haiti was founded by Angelina St Jean-Prunier and her husband, who were both born in Haiti. When they returned for a visit to Haiti in 2006, they were shocked to find such terrible conditions, especially in the area of Provot, Anse-a-veau. They realized how lucky they were to be in America, but also wanted to help the people in Haiti.
“SJP Donations gives me the opportunity to make a positive change in the lives of some who are less fortunate, said Angelina St Jean-Prunier. “My passion for this nonprofit organization goes beyond what I thought it would be because of the wonderful changes and efforts that have already taken place. It was always my desire to give back to where I came from, but I never thought of an organization, until SJP Donations. A passion to support! A passion to give! A passion to love and bring joy to the forgotten children of Provot, Anse-a-veau, Haiti.”
SJP’s mission is to raise enough money to help the people of Provot, Anse-a-veau, Haiti by digging wells to supply water; building a school so children can have a place to learn; building a hospital so individuals who are ill can get the help they need; and building a road so they can get where they need to go more easily.
The fundraiser will be held at 8001 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19136. To purchase tickets call Angelina: 267.997.7537 or Patricia: 267.880.7822.
September 2018
When one’s goals include benefiting and changing the lives of others, God sees and hears. You pray in faith and you be patient. I am calling out to all who supported SJP Donations For Haiti and those who have not yet done to help contribute whatever you can toward the placing concrete on the main road that the people of the commune of Anse-A-Veau (country side) use. They depend on that only road for their livelihoods and survival!This ROAD will not only bring development and growth, it will also open many doors for those who are less fortunate. The ROAD will facilitate higher level of exchanges of the national productions which is their main source of income. It was very difficult running a tractor through the road to get it to the stage it is now for concrete. Now we need your help for funding the placing of concrete for this main road.
Please donate whatever you can to help complete the mission. No amount is too small or too big!
St Jean Prunier Donations For Haiti 11/2016 mission trip was a success! Thanks everyone for your support. Because of you we were able to assist over 300 families with food, clothing, toiletries and 65 families with metal sheets to help reroof their houses. We were also able to send many to the hospital for treatments. Please keep donating we have a lot more to do. Many are still homeless from hurricane Matthew. We have added photos of out most recent trip below.
About Us
My name is Angelina. My husband and I were born in Haiti. We have seven beautiful children. I came to America in 1985. I went to Haiti for the first time in 2006 because I was invited to a wedding. My experience there was very shocking, especially in the country part of Provot, Anse-a-veau, Haiti. I found that one of my nieces I met for the first time was very sick. She had an ear infection. She had a thick liquid coming down from her ears with a foul smell. Her little sister was over two years old but didn't even crawl yet because of malnutrition. And than I saw other children as well as adults who were also in terrible conditions. At that very moment I realized how blessed I was to have been in America. Since then I tried so hard to help as much as I can providing food, shelter, school supplies, clothing, paying school fees, etc. But I come to the point of realizing that this is much bigger than I am able to handle on my own. I'm asking your help in various areas.
Our Mission
In March 2015, I lost my uncle because there wasn't a hospital near and there aren't any roads to get him to one. Shortly after a 27 years male (Junior) died. His diagnosis, a belly ache. They could not get him to a hospital fast enough, and as a result, he lost his life. Others have died in their beds for numerous reasons.
Children are staying at home because parents cannot afford to send them to school, and school is so far away that parents can't afford shelter out of that town. The distance to get water is miles and miles away. Imagine if you weren't so blessed to be where you are right now. Perhaps you were one of those people in that little town of Provot Grand Cayes. And you were in desperate need of having one, two, maybe a handful of people who cared enough. Oh the difference that would make. All it takes is a decision. Putting your life in another person’s shoes just once.
So I ask you to please help me in this journey to help make a difference in the lives of those unfortunate people of Provot, Anse-a-veau, Haiti.
Dig a Well
Build a School
Build a Road
Build a Hospital
192 Mitchell Road
Fayetteville, GA 30214
Tel: 1-267-319-9554
All donations to St Jean Prunier Donations for Haiti is Tax Deductible under the IRS statues regarding 501(c)3 organizations.